Q: I am new to working with translators. Can you give me some information before I send a file?
A: First and foremost, please first make sure that you have the final version of the text. Subsequent changes can be expensive and they complicate the translation process. Then send the file by email to rbl[@]rbl-translations.com. You will receive a reply very soon – if requested also with a delivery date and the costs in advance. Wherever appropriate and possible, any queries that arise during the translation process are sent to you prior to delivery.
Q: How exactly do you proofread?
A: Texts are proofread either twice by the same person, or by two different people. The latter is more expensive, but also increases the level of quality. In the vast majority of cases, PDF files are returned with corrections entered in highlighted boxes. We also work with other file formats such as .docx, with tracked changes. Divisions and spelling are checked, and grammar mistakes corrected. Editing also involves stylistic changes, with translations compared against the original texts on request.
Q: What file formats do you work with?
A: All Microsoft Office programs, plus InDesign. We also work directly in content management systems for website translations.
Q: How much does translation/proofreading cost?
A: The costs depend on the type of text and also the language combination. Please send the file(s) and you will receive a reply shortly afterwards.
Q: Are you willing to sign a confidentiality statement?
A: All texts, whether marked as confidential or not, are treated with the utmost confidentiality. All printed documents are shredded in accordance with ÖNORM S 2109-1 / EN 15713 after seven years. We naturally sign non-disclosure statements when this is necessary for dealing with particularly sensitive files.
Q: What languages do you offer?
A: Apart from in-house German-English translations, RBL works with a network of experienced professionals for almost all other language combinations.
Q: Is there anything you don’t translate?
A: Professional translators do not accept a project unless they are absolutely convinced that they can produce a good result. For this reason, complex technical or legal texts are not translated in-house. We work with experienced, reliable colleagues in these areas.